Thursday, July 28, 2011

What's going on with Patrick and Lindsey?

Well hello there!
Its been one busy two weeks for the Ottersons!
Patrick drove a vehicle ALL the way to Florida for the flying car tour. They needed a car to tow the flying car so Patrick and Cameron had a major road trip. All went well! Cameron being from New Zealand had never see the South.
He enjoyed Bluebell ice cream & Cracker Barrel for the first time.
Mean while back in California I worked my last week out at Starbucks and had a slumber party with Larissa (cam's fiance') staying with me.
After a week Patrick returned to meet brother John at the air port!
We had a great week showing him around San Diego.
We went to the world famous San Diego Zoo, the Wild Animal Park and all the amazing beaches near by.

As of this week July 26Th was our first day in full time ministry!
What does it look like in the office here?
Well we have lots of awesome planning to do for the upcoming events!
August 15-30Th over 200 youth are coming straight from the prayer room to Orange County. They call themselves the "The Circuit Riders." We are gathering with them and the local Church's and spreading out all over Orange County to love on people, pray, and to allow God to use us. I feel like God will do something beautiful.

Mid September Our ministry has the opportunity to volunteer service for a huge Microsoft convention in LA.
Microsoft gives the opportunity for non profit organizations to volunteer service for a donation in exchange.
We will be doing helping security, hostess & greeting etc..
Food and a hotel is provided for us they will be donating $4,000.00 to the ministry.
So that's a major blessing to us as we are just starting off.

Late September Ill be babysitting for a couple at our house church (dear friends of ours) in Cabo San Lacus Its their 10 year anniversary and they found it cheaper to buy a ticket for a friend to babysit than to hire a unknown babysitter.
Everything is provided! We are still praying Patrick will be able to join hopefully by using his dad's frequent flyer miles.

So its blessing all around!
If your willing to pray here are some prayer requests:

*We still need the remainder of our monthly support goal!
We have $555.00 a month (praise God!!)
We need the total of 2,000.00 a month!
our rent is $1,065.00 a month
Food and Gas are our only other expenses.
(We commute 30 minuets everyday.)
* We are looking and praying for a base/building in Orange County.
* Patrick and I want to sale his car and get a more efficient, dependable, spacious car for the two of us. I just sold my car to my mom so we will put that money together and get one that is best for the two of us.

All this to say we have faith in God's provision! He is always faithful and we thank you all for the love and support that encourages us to make this leap of faith. Its been an amazing journey drawing us closer to the heart of God. We will in return give his heart and share his love to the unloved and fullfill the great commision. Only by his Spirit and strength which gives us joy unspeakable.
Blessings to all!

click here to see all about the flying car.
click here to watch a vid about The Circuit Riders coming in August

Patrick & Lindsey Otterson
YWAM OC- A Ship Center
Address: 649 Crescent Dr. Chula Vista, CA 91911

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I got to do it!

Hey!!! Blessing and Love to you in Jesus name!
So after our amazing trip to LA/OC God lovingly confirmed that he has called us to do this for sure. As you have read in previous blogs I have had a hard time taking that step of faith and fully trusting in God provisions for our lives. Patrick felt Strong about going for it and put in his 2 weeks notice. I asked the Lord in prayer many times to confirm this is what he wanted me to do. As many of you know when your doing ministry and travel you cant work a normal job as well to bring in the income. You fully live on support so that you can be available for what God throws your way & to be fully focused.
I know fund raising is a full time job in itself. Its also very humbling.. I have always been independent. I have worked from the time I was 15 years old. I do not like asking anyone for anything. especially money.. I would prefer making my own money and being independent.. The Lord teaches us different thought. He said become like a child. fully dependant on him. In my heart i know that's what i want to do, and this is what we are called to.. My mind has been worrying trying to figure out where the money would come from, who is would come from and how it may happen.. things were happening in the ministry we were missing out on, fellowships, prayer times with the team.. it felt like we were slowly fading out.
I Prayed to see if I were to stay longer.. Knowing our full amount was not in to pay our rent. I still had this heavy feeling every time we thought about staying at Starbucks. After our trip to LA we knew it was a must. At work I kept thinking about when i should tell my boss.. working with her was so awkward because i had this on my chest.
so the next morning i fasted to find out that day if i were to put in my notice. hearing many confirmations i just needed to hear the Lord speak in an awesome way.
So after work i went next door to to skype with friends from Turkey.. "they said to me why you always too busy to talk to us?" " We thought you didn't want to talk to us." It made me sad i was too busy with Starbucks to maintain my relationship with friends in Turkey..
After talking with them I sat.. I said "Lord I'm fasting and i need you to tell me what to do please."
I got a text message from Larissa a friend from our team asking me what i was doing that she was across the street from Starbucks.
I felt instant comfort like she was so close to me.
Then I said Lord will you please speak to me again?
I felt like i needed to leave after sitting for awhile waiting.
I saw a man and his wife who always come to Starbucks they always talk to me.. from day one Charlie has told me to find another job because i was too good for Starbucks.
He asked me how are you? have you went to the doctors office like i told you to last time ? you will get a job for sure!" he says passionately.
I told him well, charlie.. Your going to think I'm crazy, but Patrick and i are going to do full time missions.. Patrick put in his 2 weeks and i been nervous to because I'm scared. I told him we would live off support and I'm very independent etc.. He looked at me and said.. Why is that crazy???!! Go for it! I told you that you were special! no matter what you do you will be a success! don't worry about your job. they will find someone else! You guys are young! Go put your 2 weeks notice in now! We will miss you honey! So I did! I talked with my boss and she was so understanding! she even said your one of or best employees and ill hate losing you but I'm happy for you guys! she told me if i ever needed to comeback anytime and work i was welcome! FAVOR!! This week has been so amazing! i have been able to share what God was doing in our lives to my favorite customers! people were blown away and excited and encouraging about it. I'm so excited!
Please pray for us:
*We aren't at the full amount yet. Getting close.
*Pray for ywam ships - We need our base in OC!

God loves Orange Country

Hey Welcome to another episode of Patrick and Lindsey Travels!

I hope your enjoying the Journey we are on so far! i know its not the real housewives but at least you feel uplifted afterwords! Well its been a crazy busy two weeks! Our team went to Ywam Los Angles to fellowship and prayer with our LA family. Also to check out some places in Orange County! God has spoken for us to have our ministry base there. We learned there isn't a ywam base in OC also there is around 200 universities in the area! During prayer God has been speaking alot about college age students!!

When we first arrived in LA we ate dinner met some of the people there and that night Brett and Karen (ywam ships visionaries) shared amazing stories of their 25 year experience on YWAM Ships and how the Lord spoke to them to start YWAM SHIPS Orange County!

After story sharing Joy Dawson one of the foundational women of ywam had a word of encouragement. She shared how God spoke this to her many year ago and has yet to see it fulfilled. She was thankful to see it in her lifetime. 85 years old the sweet Joy Dawson is a legend in YWAM's history. 50 years in ministry is an amazing accomplishment! Only by God's grace and love for his people! We are excited to see all the amazing things God will do from here.

Early the next morning we left for Orange County. We prayed and God spoke some direction and we were off. We went to Huntington beach first. Its a thriving surf spot, young people go to surf and relax by the beach, then to Corona Del Mar the same spot the Jesus movement revival in the 70's went down. We also went to Calvary Chapel the Church they went to for the word by the legendary Lonnie Frisbee spoke & Keith Green. This is so near and dear to Patrick and my heart. We have gotten many words of the Lord that we have the same "anointing" or characteristics as these men and women who were apart of this amazing movement. Patrick also is very interested in revival so its another confirmation a wink of the Lord so to speak..

We were also meeting with a pastor in Orange co who was interested in teaming up with us in evangelism. When we pulled into the parking lot we realized we were at the sanitary! We were meeting with Jay Hazelip! He is a professional skateboarder/pastor and Patrick and i would watch his TV show call The uprising. Jay and his friends would go to skate parks and skate being noticed all as famous skateboarders they would minister the gospel in such power. This was all on film and we watched every single episode. We were beyond encouraged! I looked at Patrick and said wouldn't it be amazing if we were to do ministry with these guys. We just felt a burning passion in our hearts. Who knew we would be there two years later with him asking to do ministry with us? GOD knew! Another confirmation. i cant name all of them or else this blog would become a book. we were beyond blessed on our adventure to LA & Orange county!

Watch a preview of "The Uprising" now! Click this link>>