Thursday, June 23, 2011

To all those who are weary and heavy. Come and rest.

Now I know what that man felt like when Jesus said "if you want to follow me, sale all your positions and follow me." the man walked away because he had great wealth. The Lord is telling us the same thing. He is calling us to give up everything that is secure and trust that He will provide. That He is our source! I have been trying to figure all the ways he would provide for us. It's been harder this time because we are all the way across the country with an apartment to pay for. I woke up desiring peace so I just prayed to the the Lord.. I'm scared. I don't want to doubt your provision, but I am. Then instantly I saw a little child hand in hand with her father going towards a swimming pool. The child is scared about swimming for the first time. The father holding on to her hand knows he is protecting the child & nothing will harm the young one. The father is confident that he can teach the child to swim. He is fully capable of keeping the child safe. The child is still very terrified.. Hesitant to get in the unfamiliar waters she comes to a halt The father is now walking ahead or her with arm's length distance. He encourages the child to come forth and step into the water. After much encouragement and instruction the child takes baby steps closer. Scared for her life and eyes opened as wide as they can possible open the child's feet are now emerged.. The child thinks.. That wasn't so bad, I'm still alive, then the father gently says come on to the next step. The child slowly and steps down to the next step. The child thinks once again that wasn't so bad. She smiles as she saw her father smiling back. Burr! its cold the child belts out, the father said come on your almost in.. The child stepped down to the third step. On this step she felt her fathers warmth. "Almost there he encouraged there, you can do it! I'm right here. I won't let you go under. Her faith rises and her heart pounding the child then leaps into her father's arms. He grabbed her into his arms and shouted you did it! Did everyone see my daughter?!? She is in the water with me! He rejoiced over her! He then asked her "now, are you ready to go under?"

Thank you Jesus! Your here with me, even though I'm scared your cheering me on, there is no way I'm going go drown your fully capable to keep me up, and loving enough to direct me. Your a good father, you don't leave me to learn on my own. But your God with us every step of the way. You rejoice over me, yo take time to show me. Your proud of me. You want the world to see how you love and take pride in your beloved child who listened. Lord, I follow you to the deep waters.. If I'm scared help me to be Secure in your Holy Spirit. My helper.

The child learned to swim. It became her favorite thing to do. Swimming brought the child the most joy she has ever experienced. The father proudly watched her play. It filled his heart to see so much joy in his beloved child..

Matthew 6:26
New King James Version (NKJV)
26 Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

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